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Writer's pictureSabrina Joy

Strategies for Improving Your Work Life Balance to Reduce Work Related Stress

What is Work-life Balance, and Why is It Important?

It is no secret that work can be stressful. With the demands of a job, it can be hard to find a healthy balance between your personal and professional life. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Work-life balance is an important practice for creating a healthy lifestyle and can help reduce stress levels, improve productivity and creativity, and increase job satisfaction.

Work-life balance is about creating a balance between your work requirements and personal pursuits. This means setting aside time for leisure activities, family time, and other personal pursuits in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. By doing this, you can create a more balanced work-life environment, and foster a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Creating a work-life balance is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing effort to find balance between work and other important aspects of your life. Creating work-life balance takes intention and continual effort in establishing strong boundaries and recommitting to priorities that bring joy, but the effort pays off in the long run with substantially increased quality of life.

What are the Benefits of Having Work-life Balance?

Having a balanced work life is essential for reducing work-related stress and improving overall wellness. Increased productivity, improved mental and physical health, increased job satisfaction, improved relationships, and increased creativity are all benefits of having a balanced work life.

When you can focus on the things that you enjoy, you can be more productive when you are at work. Having a balanced work-life can reduce stress, which can lead to improved physical and mental health. You can also have more time to devote to relationships and creative pursuits, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and more creativity.

Making time for yourself and your personal interests is an important part of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This can be in the form of self-care, hobbies, time spent with family, or just time resting like taking naps or sleeping in a few days of the week.

Having a balanced work life is essential for reducing work-related stress and improving overall wellness. A key component of a healthy work-life balance is realistically limiting the amount of time spent at work, which for many people is spent sitting at a desk. More time away from your desk means more time for physical activity, contributing substantially to healthy weight management, heart health, and overall physical and mental health.

What are the Most Common Causes of Poor Work-life Balance?

Finding a balance between work and home life can be difficult, and it is important to recognize the causes of an imbalance. One of the most common mistakes people make is not taking regular breaks. Working without regular breaks can lead to burnout and a lack of motivation. Often workplace absenteeism is attributed to burnouts caused by an extended period without appropriate breaks.

Additionally, overcommitting can be detrimental, as taking on more work than you can actually handle can lead to overworking and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Often the number of responsibilities that professionals are assigned doesn't benefit performance but actually can cause you to feel less capable of doing your job well. Working long hours to cover extra or excessive workloads also impacts your work-life balance, as fatigue can make it difficult to be productive and upset sleep schedules, which has a significant impact on your health.

Having a clear understanding of expectations is also important. If you don’t know what is expected of you, it can be difficult to manage your time and tasks. Poor planning can also lead to procrastination, which can affect your work-life balance. Having an unsupportive boss or coworkers can add to the stress of managing your work life, so it is important to have a supportive work environment.

Lastly, setting and respecting boundaries between work and home life can help you achieve balance. Taking the time to prioritize and set boundaries can help you find the balance you need. It can be challenging to recognize and celebrate things you are passionate about outside of your work, (especially if your work has become what you spend the majority of your time and energy on) but once you do it will incentivize creating strong, clear boundaries.

One reason many people find overcommitting so easy and setting boundaries so challenging at work is because their identity and ego is tightly connected to their work performance. As Amy Sullivan, PsyD, who was quoted in an article published by the Cleveland Clinic explains “To many, our work is more than just work. It is an embedded part of our values. We are proud of our work. However, if work crosses the line between something that brings us great value and joy to something that brings about great stress that begins to harm our health or relationships, we need to seriously evaluate what is causing this stress and how to manage this stress,” she adds. “Besides an emergent situation such as saving someone’s life, nothing should come before your own health or relationships.”

Work-life Balance Strategies

It can be difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance and often, work-related stress can take a toll on our personal lives. However, there are several strategies we can use to improve our work-life balance and reduce work-related stress.

First, prioritize tasks and focus on the most important ones first. Taking regular breaks throughout the day to recharge and relax can help you stay focused and productive. Setting a strict daily schedule and sticking to it can be beneficial in managing your time and workload.

Spending time doing activities that bring you joy outside of work is important in maintaining balance. Additionally, making time for yourself and your loved ones outside of work can help prevent burnout and give you an emotional outlet.

Utilizing telecommuting and flexible work arrangements when available can be extremely beneficial in finding a balance between work and personal life. Taking advantage of employee benefits such as vacation time, sick leave and parental leave can also help you find balance.

Ensuring you get enough quality sleep each night is essential in managing work-related stress. Developing a healthy diet and exercise routine can also help reduce stress and increase productivity.

Practicing mindfulness and/or meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety. Finally, talking to someone about your feelings and concerns related to work can be very beneficial in managing stress and improving your work-life balance.

Five Tips to Reduce Stress and Maintain Work-life Balance

1. Taking the time to create boundaries between your work and home life is essential to achieving a better balance. Set a schedule for when you will put away your phone and laptop and focus on family and leisure activities. This can help you create more free time for yourself to do enjoyable activities like exercise, reading, or meditating.

2. Taking regular breaks throughout the day is also important in reducing stress. Use your breaks for activities like walking, stretching, or grabbing a snack. Taking a break can help clear your mind and help you stay focused when you return to work. It will also allow you to be more productive and less easily distracted so you can adhere to the time boundaries you set around your work.

3. Managing your time is key to achieving a better work-life balance. Create a schedule that works for you and your goals. Set realistic goals, and plan out tasks in advance to help you stay on track. Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to colleagues or ask for help when needed. Having a support system can make a huge difference in managing stress.

4. Celebrate the things in your life outside work that bring you joy and spend time sharing about them with others. This has two benefits; it reminds others that you have a life outside of work they need to respect and allow you to have time for and it reminds you that there are other things for you to be spending your time on than just work.

5. Communicate clearly to your boss, colleagues, friends, and family about your work-life balance goals and surround yourself with others who prioritize a healthy work-life balance. This will protect you from peer pressure to overwork and provide support in your leisure activities.

Cultivating a good work-life balance is an ever-evolving practice but one that is important for your mental and physical health in addition to the health of your career and personal relationships in the long run.


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